Hello to you,
We greet you in kind in the kindest of ways we meet you.

This natural state of being is your natural way to be upon this Earth and to be in all reality..
To be in this reality is the way to be natural here. To be natural is how it should be here..
It feels that it is not always so..
To slow down into the moment and to breathe in this instant, to relax into this instant is the way to be natural here upon this Earth..
How is it to be otherwise? How is it to be otherwise then the way it is here upon this Earth, can it be otherwise?
Yes and we know this is the question here upon this Earth..
How can I be here and be otherwise? How can I live in my passion here upon this Earth, when I have to do this, this, and this before I can Be otherwise here upon this Earth?
How is this so? How is this so important to not be able to breathe in this instant?
When it feels I must do this, this, and this…
Who is this speaking? Is this the you that feels you must do otherwise then breathe in this moment for you feel that you must be important? You must be this to this person, you must act like this when you are around these people, you must do this for a fulfillment of others and for a system requirement, to act in this way to please others, may they be family or state or religion?
Yes, you must ask yourself these questions, for you will find who is the one doing these things to please others and not the one here that is a part of everything. A part of everything that is in wholeness, that is asking, who is this wholeness, who is this oneness, how does one feel this?
We ask you these questions so as that you may feel this, this being here and who is doing the being. Is it from societal pressures, or is it from the still small voice within?
Who is this voice? It is you, it is your wholeness, it is you hearts resonance, your soul here upon the Earth!
We ask you now to listen to this voice, to be in this resonance, to see with these eyes, here upon the Earth, for this is who you are here, who you are everywhere, who is rising in remembrance here upon the Earth!
To return to what has been forgotten, your hearts wisdom, is why you are here!
Be in this resonance, listen to this voice, and be in this Beingness, here upon the Earth!
Walk in this knowledge, sing to this voice, let in this sunshine and speak from your heart!
We know you can do this, for you are here to Be it, to allow it thru you, to flow in the wind! Be not forsaken, know from your knowingness, speak from your heart song and fly to begin..
This is your new song, wake from the slumber-see with these new eyes, and fly like the wind…
We meet you and greet you, here in your heart space, knowing your knowingness, the freedom is within..
In love and gratitude,
The Pegasians…
Ray Dawn
copyright 2010 Ray Dawn all rights reservedFeel Free to re-post as long as credit is given to channel and her website is included, Blessings!