Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Seed Awakening Solstice 2014

Master Hilarion-

Hello Dear Ones! It is I, Master Hilarion, here to speak to each of you at this important time upon your world.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere is the time of the Summer solstice. This is a time for beautification- of all that is- to burst forth with growth and with ripening energy. This energy is flowing forth within you in support of all that you are allowing within yourself and in your gifts that you bring forth into the world.

Dear ones at this time of opportunity you are all receiving great support and energy from your rising sun. Your sun is bursting forth with energy and information in this time of allowing the synthesis of these encodements within you.

As a flower releases its fragrance and fruitfulness, it first receives light energy from the sun. The sun activates the flowers’ conversion of this energy to release the knowledge and blossoming that is already stored within.

This is the same for you! Each of you are flowers, bursting forth with the light, receiving the energy and information to let go into All that you are!

Relax and know that each of you have-- already within you-- ALL that you are! As you can truly trust this seed of life within you, propagating your inner awakening, you can let go of who you think you must be and simply relax and trust your unfoldment into all that you are. Home is within you dear ones, as it always was and is now!

Allow within this your own wellbeing and truth; allow your own resonance with belonging and true love; the kind of love that is unconditional and caring of your very natures!

Rise up dear one, rise into the light and allow it to penetrate and awaken your seed codes! These codes are of the love principle. This is the cosmic connection you all have to everything! This love is within you, and is carried within all particles that are all around you as well..

As you allow your blossoming to unfold in this time new realizations and knowledge can take form within you, awakening the mind into a balance of light and dark, of pain and joy, of suffering and of enjoying life, So be it!

Awaken now from the slumber of death and destruction into allowing the cycle of life, and of this time to play out this awakening thru you. Let go of the ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ and Be...

Be who you are and be full of the knowledge within you of this merging oneness with your own inner seed and it’s spark of knowledge within!

As this comes forth and rises to the surface within you will feel a deep relaxation into love and belonging… this love is filling each particle of your universe down to all the cells within you..

Enjoying life is the order of the day, for as you do you awaken that seed within you of heaven and allow the bridging of heaven and earth!

Be true to your own seed forms and what you bring to this cornucopia of love in this universe, allow the light to penetrate you and relax into all that you are!

We thank each of you for Being true to yourself and your self-awareness! As you continue to receive this energy you come home to love again, and what a celebration it is across the universe!

We are here eternally to offer guidance, love and support for each of you awakening to the greater light and love quotient!

Be easy and enjoy the journey home! In Love we are one!

Master Hilarion and the Masters of Love and Awareness and Truth...

Ray Dawn
Copyright Ray Dawn 2014
Feel Free to Re-post as long as credit is given to Channel and her Website is included, thank you!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ray Dawn Blog: Awaken Dear Hearts! Saint Germain

Ray Dawn Blog: Awaken Dear Hearts! Saint Germain: Hello to you,  it is I Saint Germain here to speak to each of you and to allow a transmission of love and blessings t...

Ray Dawn Blog: Awaken Dear Hearts! Saint Germain

Ray Dawn Blog: Awaken Dear Hearts! Saint Germain: Hello to you,  it is I Saint Germain here to speak to each of you and to allow a transmission of love and blessings t...

Awaken Dear Hearts! Saint Germain

Hello to you, 
it is I Saint Germain here to speak to each of you and to allow a transmission of love and blessings to your Dear Hearts!

Awaken dear ones, from your slumber, from the unknown..
Awaken from the dream of death and suffering and arise, arise, arise..
New Born you are!

Born fresh and clean into the light! Be easy upon this tranformation, be easy upon this new state of being, be easy and know that you are at a new point of stillness within..

As you allow yourself to awaken and to wipe your eyes and to allow a drink of pure water and to refresh yourself, you can come into a new way of being..

As you adjust you can begin to feel that you are in a new state of reality within your own purity and light..
It is a state of refreshment, of easement..
This state has always been here for you, and yet now you can begin to breathe again, to taste the sweetness of life!

Be easy as each of you adjust in your own way!
As the babe is born, they must adjust to new ways of movement!
You also must adjust in your own way to the newer frequency!
This frequency is here and will stay within you as a new stability..
From this place you can begin to rejuvenate, to refresh yourself.. To allow wholeness!

This state is a new platform of stability and joy within you!
As you allow it you will realize it has always been within you.. Awaiting your remembrance and allowance of your true self, your Dear Heart!

As you awaken for the slumber, allow yourself to adjust to your own frequency, your own flavor of self!

Be true to it and rejoice that you are a unique reflection of all that is!
You are born again in that knowledge and can begin to see clearly that you have just forgot!

It is as if what has been in shadows can now come into clear view!
As you wipe your eyes from the sleepiness, you can see that you belong!
That you are connected and that dear ones, you are loved!
Truly and deeply you are held in the palm of the hand of all that is..
As a child, born anew, you can trust dear ones that you are taken care of, that there is more than enough, aplenty! That you can let go of the mishaps and the lies of scarcity and can begin again!

As you do, as you have moved thru this juncture, you can live and be prosperous again, you can see that you are reflected in the eyes of God, of Creator and that as you trust that innate wisdom you are refreshed and joined again with all creation.. Joined again in Eden and allowed back into the garden again.. As you wake up you can see clearly that you never left.. Was it all a dream?

Awaken dear ones, awaken and remember.. You are this love and everything you seek!
You belong and are at one with, atonement!
Be easy as you truly open your beautiful hearts to feel that and to trust that again.. Like the child, open to the light..

Come out come out wherever you are!!!
We see you and love you dearly..
We are here for each of you, as you allow that connection deep within your heart and trust that we are one!

You belong and as such we together can be born anew!
Awaken and know that your special flavor matters and is needed at this time to bring us all back Home..

We are with you in love always.. A heart beat away and connected..
Awaken dear ones, awaken and know… you are all that is and so can remember that now in your most sacred heart!
So be it and so we rejoice with you!

Love and eternal blessings of joy to each of you, your brother Saint Germain and friends…

Ray Dawn
Copywright Ray Dawn 2010-2014
Feel Free to repost as long as no content is changed and the channel's website is included. Blessings!