Love, awareness and awakening
heart codes. This time dear ones each of you are awakening further your own
codes of love within.. By this we mean your own awareness and relationship to
love of all levels is deepening at this time!
It is so as each of you have
been calling forth your own awareness of love within.. You are aligning to your
own hearts wishes and the discovery of how you relate to love and your deepest
feelings of what love truly is upon this earth and within each of your hearts..
To allow the furthering of
your hearts unfolding is at hand! How can one come into deeper awareness and
allowance of this love?
Dear ones each of you is
coded with the ability to rise and open to the occasion of love’s remembrance…
this true unfolding must take place within you.. This is the task at hand.. For
each of you are in a way reorganizing your own abilities to allow love in and
to open to give love forth into your world..
Many have felt unloved by
others, family and the outer world.. Yes and so many are afraid to truly open
the heart.. As it feels that if one did you might get hurt again as you have
before here and in other lifetimes..
The challenge at this time is
to increase your abilities to trust that it is safe to allow love’s entrance.. This
must be an inner decision to trust again that you are this love.. The way thru
this is to open your own heart to you! Yes, this is why there is so much talk
of ‘self love’ at this time.. For as long as you hold that door to love closed,
waiting for the other to open it.. It can seem like you are waiting forever!
Many have felt that love will
not be there from others so what is the point?
This experience here upon
planet earth is unique in how separated from love and your eternal nature it
can feel, and how deep it feels one can be caught in the forgetting..
The way to overcome this is
to allow your own frequency and relationship and harmony with all levels of
your own being.. It is time to turn deeper within yourself and to ask yourself
these questions: Do I honor my own self? My own feelings and nature? Do I feel
it is not safe to love? Am I afraid of this love that I am?
As you build a better
relationship with your own nature one can begin to see that you hold all the cards
in your own unfolding to your relationship to love.. Can you make new choices?
Yes, of course, but one must be willing to allow the feelings of surrender,
opening, allowing and forgiveness..
Sometimes when you choose to
be silent and connect to your self in your heart, one can feel grief or
unsettled or lonely, this comes up as these feelings must be addressed, allowed
and understood by you so as they can be released as misguided belief systems..
As each of you are allowing
your own relationship to love you can begin to see how maybe you haven’t loved
and honored your deep self.. How can one seek the occurrence of love externally
and always seeking more and more and yet you are wishing the other would give
you what you want like a child and yet you may not be able to give those things
to yourself? You can give to yourself by allowing a better mental self image..
Dear ones comparisons and
fear and unlove can cloud your own vision to who you are!
At this time it is vital to
allow a new occurrence and foundation of stability to love within your own
self.. This will lead to better external experiences..
As long as you feel a victim
to love, then there is no room for new experiences and growth and opening to
heart awakenings..
So to allow your own
feelings, nature and knowledge is the best way thru..
Allow time to connect with
your dreams, wishes, and feelings and honor yourself as a creator!
No thing can be done to you,
if you are not in alignment with it.. Know that in your childhood or in other
lifetimes you may have experienced much pain and suffering regarding
relationships with love.. This, at this time is healing within each of you..
There is an ability to open forth to new horizons, new abilities and new experiences
of the awakened heart!
As each of you do your part
in ownership of your experiences, claim that you are indeed a powerful being
who can align with your magnificence, gifts and abilities and open heart flow
at any time- in any moment of your choosing! What is important is to make the
choice within you to allow yourself to open forth to new ways of being.. All of
you at this time are being asked to make room, to let go and to open to new
ways of being and to a new relationship to love and partnership!
Honor you, allow your heart
to open and be fearless in letting go of the old ways of seeing yourself and
others in relationship!
Know that each of you is
supported lovingly and unconditionally..
Each of you are powerful creators,
make the commitment to see with new eyes and to open your heart in new ways.. Know
that the relationship you have with yourself is the foundation you create to
match with others.. If the return you are getting is not to your likening, be
open to allow new information.. Understand that it may be a belief you are
holding about lack of love within..
As you forgive yourself for
not knowing the answers you can let go more in your heart! As you forgive and
send love to yourself you match the love of all that is! Know that what you
seek is seeking you dear ones, but make room!
Let go of the old and allow
new ways of healing, and honoring and loving. Allow new ways of seeing and
thinking and allowing.. Be free to let go and come home to your true self! In this
process you will again come awake throughout the universe and can begin to see
and know who you really are and how powerful each of you truly is..
To take the time to really
become your own best friend and lover, yes! As you do the symbiosis is
palatable.. You will feel refreshed and more connected and open to new
discoveries of who you are and what is truly possible within the forms you are
Be open to this new occurrence
of love and be free to explore it deeply within you!
We speak to you of the heart
space and in this frequency you are home and can truly know who you are and
create this deeper more freeing and uplifting relationship with you! And dear
ones you can take that wherever you may travel!! Home is where your heart is
open and that can be within your own being!!
Be easy as you let go and
come home to love! Awaken here and express this eternal love with all that you
are in your human form as well! Enjoy this new experience of love and put forth
a new commitment to your own harmony and wellbeing! You are one with all and in
that deeply loved and honored for your being and expression!
We thank each of you for your
service to the one, to all that is. Allow more soft focus and harmony within,
see you thru eyes of love and awaken the universal consciousness here within
your beautiful heart and let it shine forth throughout this sphere and dear
ones love is contagious when it is in it’s true and pure frequency!
We honor and love you, your
friends the Pegasians..
Ray Dawn
Copyright 2015 Ray Dawn
Feel free to re-post as long as credit is given to channel and her website is included!
Blessings and <3:)