Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Sirian Councils of Light, Join in Celebration of our Gifts Together

Hello to all peoples of the Earthly realms, 

We are from the Sirian Councils of Light Eternal, Light Everlasting.
We are here to be one people with you.
We are so pleased with all that is/has transpired upon this Earth.
We are so pleased at all that is befalling this realm at this timing.

We have a message of love and peace to share with you!
We have a message of upliftment, for it is in order to proceed.
We first want to comment on what is transpiring in your earthly realm, for much is in action at this moment!

Much movement is a foot and is quite noticeable to you!
For change is upon you, truly it is all in the timing.
Here we are to share this time with you, in this way, for we are ever drawing closer to a merging of our reality with yours.

This is happening of course, for it is all in the timing, the cycles of life in this realm.
The time is finally here, in this moment of acceptance, so that we can flow more freely.
There has been much releasing of parts that hold you away from accepting yourselves.

Is it all not about frequency, about energy?
Yes it is of course! Of course, how simple it truly is!
Yet it has been quite a journey to come to this conclusion!
We are here to celebrate this joining with you! We are here to enrapture with you your all ness!

Your gifts are here within you; it is time to allow the fruition of your dreams!
We tell you that now you will have the forward momentum,we tell you the energy to manifest is here, for you have done the groundwork!
We are so thankful for all that you do in these realms!

We are rejoicing in the abilities you all have to maintain your momentum, to be in the moment, to live freely a life that is worth living!
Be in joy of the work you have done to get you here!
We know it seems so tough sometimes, but you have every ability to come out triumphant, and we are all with you in this endeavor!

We say to each of you, you are Love, you are Light, you are ALL!
We say give glory to your is ness…
Know that it is all in order, it is done already,  remember…
As that is so, know that the choices you make are in what you would like to experience, be it.
Be yourselves, your truth and known all else will fall into place.
Live your joy and allow all else to be as it is..
Enjoy the journey..

We are ever one with you for we are you, we are all One.
We appreciate you on such deep levels, and wish you all to each have your truth revealed to you.
Know this is in order..
We are here to be one and to join in celebration of our gifts together.
It is time to remember fully your presence..
Join with your heart space and with the Love principle, join with the naturalness of Life.

We thank you and wish you to again be in your joy, it is your will to be it.
We respond in a joyful manner to all your increasing awareness of yourselves, and want you to know we are here for you as you remember your origins in truth,
Allow it to be revealed to you….

Ignite your passion within and allow your presence to join fully in your heart space, for you are all.
Remember the light guides the way thru darkness; be not afraid of what lies within you for it is your glory and gifts within that shadow…
Be as one in your truth, stand witness to the reveal of what lies beneath the surface, for it is wonderful..

Until we speak in this way again to you,
All the love of the universe is residing within you,
Join with us there..

Ray Dawn
Feel free to re-post as long as credit is given to channel and website is included, Thanks!

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