Hello to you and to all peoples upon the Earth at this time, who we are speaking to in this way of hearing.
We speak to you in kind and from the kindness in our hearts we meet you.
Understanding this now moment that is yours to claim and to expound your frequency.
To expound on your frequency, to be in resonance with your divine nature.
How do you do this, this expounding of your frequency?
How is it that you open to your divine frequency of Truth?
We will speak upon this in this moment of your day, we will open the door a bit so as you may see freely…
Come into your heart space; come into the quiet within yourself, the stillness.
Here we are within your ability to be still. To just simply be in this moment.
Do you notice what draws your attention?
When you come to a point of stillness sometimes the vulnerability of that moment brings you a bit of heartache.
Yes, because from that moment of stillness you open to the truth.
In that truth what is brought from the depths may be some things you do not want to look at and they come forth to be noticed.
Yes, this is a part of the clearing you are all doing.
We say to you when you come to this still point and the memories, the struggles come forward, look not in judgment upon yourself but just listen.
Listen to the feelings that come forward, of the past, of guilt, of your wrongdoing etc and just be easy with this.
Just allow those feelings to come forth and to be allowed to receive some breath, some air, some light of day, for they have been hidden and keep you from remembering who you are beyond them!
So we ask you to go within to meet this feeling of vulnerability, to be patient with yourself in this.
To allow yourself the moment, and yes it will get easier as you give yourself the time for adjustments.
To go to your still point, there is such deep things you will find within yourself, and yes these feelings you hide from yourself will come forward first.
We see so many go there and come out quick for it seems overwhelming and you think, ‘oh not looking in there!’
We say again to be easy, let go of judgment and to just listen, to just witness the patterns, the stories you have within yourself.
To just allow the message.
As you do you come into resonance with your own personal truth, your deeper awareness, for it is always present, it is always speaking to you.
You are all learning which is the voice of your soul.
This must be found and only by going into your still point, the point of clarity will it be found, will it be made known to your conscious mind.
Take time to find this moment within, develop this relationship of caring, of listening to your deepest thoughts, they will bring you home to yourself, to your natural alignment.
We say this must be done to move forward; otherwise there is a bit of the fish flapping out of water, the tumultuous feelings of unsettledness ensuing.
Come to center, always, and find that safety within your being, that is the answer to ground you fully in the New..
We speak to you in kind from our vantage point to yours, in an open hearted embrace.
We meet you in the stillness and help to open the fields of protection and safety in these endeavors of finding your truth, your Voice.
This is worth doing, and we say to devote your time upon this, in your Now.
We meet you in utmost respect of what you are accomplishing in your daily lives, your daily moments, they are all building to the truth..
We meet you there,
The Pegasians
Ray Dawn
copyright 2010 Ray Dawn all rights reserved
Feel free to re-post as long as credit is given to channel and her website is included.
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